Children's Ministries

RBC Kid's Connection

Here at RBC we want to help parents raise their children to love the Lord with everything and in all aspects of their life.  We want all of the children here to know how much God loves them and know who Jesus is and what He did for them on the cross.  We strive to make sure all the children will leave their time at RBC with a Biblical World View and have a proper Biblical perspective of who they are in Christ.


We have age-separated Sunday school classes and Children's Church for Nursery through 5th grade during the 10:15am service. 

10:15am Kid's Classes

Nursery through Kindergarten please sign-in at the rooms listed below:

Nursery (0-24 months) | Rm 103

2’s - 3’s (24 months-36 months) | Rm 105

Pre K - K | Rm 101

All Children 1st-5th grade are signed in at  Rm 102 BEFORE our 10:15am Worship Service.  Parents, after signing in your children, you will take your kids with you into service for announcements and worship time in song, after which they will be dismissed from the sanctuary and their leaders will meet them in the back.  At 11:30am they return to Rm 102 to be signed out.

1st - 5th Grade | Rm 102

Wednesday Nights

Wednesday nights are Family Nights at RBC from 6-7:45pm.  We have Adventure Club for Children 3yrs to 5th Grade.  Check out our dedicated page for Adventure Club.

We also provide Nursery Wednesday night. If you have a child here under the age of 5 you must remain on campus.  We strongly recommend that parents attend an adult Bible study while their child is in Adventure Club.  If you regularly attend RBC on Sundays, please consider volunteering in Adventure Club.

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