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Acts | Part 69: No Small Disturbance Part 3: Victory in the Silence

Acts | Part 69: No Small Disturbance Part 3: Victory in the Silence


Series: A Walk Through Acts: Jesus at Work

Category: Main Series

Passage: Acts 19:35-41

Speaker: Jason Swanson

No Small Disturbance Part III

Victory in the Silence. 

Acts 19:35-41

The Voice of Reason

            1. Appeals to what is known (vs.35)

            2. Results in calmness (vs. 36)

            3. Responds in sensible reasoning (vs. 37-38)

            4. Properly assesses the cost. (vs. 40-41)


1.    Consider how the town clerk said that Paul’s companions were neither robbers of temples nor blasphemers of their goddess.  What is your testimony like concerning the beliefs of others?  How might you change your testimony to be more positive without compromising truth?

2.    Consider how the town clerk waits to address the crowd rather than standing up in the middle of their chanting.  How patient are you when there is a disruption right in front of you?  What can you learn from this town clerk which would better help you to honor the Lord in your communication?